We have lots of news to share with you. We were the runner up in the Accuquilt Block Design Contest this year with our Sea Glass block. Here are pictures of the block that won this year, me saying goodbye to last year’s winning block and a pic of where my block will be displayed in the Accuquilt headquarters for the next year. Going to Nebraska for the unveiling event is always a good time and a great opportunity to explore the midwest. I met Kaye England, who brought a trunk show, and she was fabulous. I wrote a guest blog article about my trip on the QT Fabrics blog and here is a link to that article so that you can read all about my trip. https://qtfabrics.blog/2018/09/26/guest-reed-johnson-of-blue-bear-quilts/ While there, we saw the most amazing statue, called Dignity.

We designed several new patterns for Accuquilt, which are available as free downloads from their website. They are Lilac Table Topper and Fall Frolic Table Runner. We will have two new ones coming out soon called Spring Medley Mug Rugs and Cleopatra’s Garden Gate.

We designed four quilt patterns using QT Fabrics fabric. Two of the quilts, Seahorses in the Reeds and Pixie Party, were featured in the QT Fabric’s booth at Quilt Market 2018 in Houston. The other two are called Kaleidoscope, and Rhythm of the Stars. All patterns are sold through QT Fabrics and should be available at your local quilt shop soon. We will have them for sale on our website soon as well.

We taught several fun classes this fall and several of my favorites were the Triaxial Weave Pillow, the Snapshots quilt and the Jinny Beyer Sew Along Mystery Quilt. When Kaffe Fassett and Brandon Mably were giving their workshops at Happy Apple Quilts, I was able to be their assistant for a day and had a blast.

Several of our quilts are about to have their patterns published in the May/ June and July/ August issues of Love of Quilting and the July/ August issue of McCall’s Quilting magazine. I can’t show you the quilts yet, but here is a pic of a block from Momma’s Garden, which is in the May/June issue of Love of Quilting. This quilt uses a new line of batiks from McKenna Ryan called “Seed to Blossom” from Hoffman Fabrics. I love her fabric designs.

We will be hosting a quilting cruise in 2020 going to the Inside Passage of Alaska, where there will be quilt shops at every port. The cruise will depart Seattle on June 6, 2020. So if you have ever wanted to quilt while on a cruise, or travel to Alaska, or do both at the same time, this is the cruise for you. We will have lots of fun. Start saving now. Stay tune for details on how to sign up and what the quilting project will be for the cruise. It is not on their website yet, but in the meantime, if you can’t wait, the travel company is call Quilt Retreat at Sea and their number is 210-858-6399. Call Michelle and tell her that you would like to sign up for this cruise.
Whew! That was a lot of information! Thanks for reading to the bottom. We wish you a very Happy Holiday season and look forward to sharing many exciting adventures with you in 2019. Happy New Year!