This is my August 2022 project as an Island Batik Ambassador. This month’s challenge was to make a mini quilt using any technique and Island Batik fabric. The quilt could be no larger than 24″ x 24″. I designed this quilt on my computer using Electric Quilt 8 software. This size of this quilt, which is perfect for Blue Bear, is 12″ x 12″.

I chose to use fabrics from the Island Batik collection called “Jewel Carvings” and I also used their solid black. These colors are so delicious.

When designing a quilt, it is important to make sure that you have a proper mix of light, medium and dark shades in your quilt. One way to determine this is to take a monochromatic picture of your fabrics to more clearly see the shades. Notice how the values go from dark to light when looking at the fabrics from left to right. In the completed quilt, I wish there was a little more value change between the purple and blue. Those are the two fabrics farthest to the left in the monochromatic image, followed by the green and yellow.

This quilt is comprised of 1-1/2″ unfinished squares and half square triangles. I used a method of making 8 half square triangles at a time. You can find many articles for how to do this if you do a google search. I wanted 1-1/2″ unfinished half square triangles, so that meant that I needed to start with 4-1/2″ squares. For example, if I wanted to make the blue/green half square triangles, I would need to place green and blue 4-1/2″ squares right sides together. The nice thing about using Island Batik fabrics for this project is that you don’t really have to worry about right and wrong sides, even though technically there is a right side. Then I drew lines horizontally, vertically and diagonally in both directions in the middle of the square. Next, I sewed 1/4″ on either side of the drawn diagonal lines.

Next, I cut on the horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines I drew. You don’t cut on the sewn lines. This creates 8 half square triangle units.

Next. I needed to press the half square triangles and I chose to press toward the dark side. When the units are lined up for sewing, you may need to press some of them the other way so that they will nest and not create as much bulk in the seams.

In order to successfully sew a quilt with such small pieces, it’s important to maintain the proper squared-up size of the unfinished units, which in this case is 1-1/2″. I used the small 1-1/2″ Bloc-Loc ruler to accomplish this. This ruler has grooves on the back of it that slide along the ridge of the pressed over fabric and it allows you to trim up 2 sides of the unit at a time.

I have a YouTube video showing how to to trim up these units using the Bloc-Loc ruler. Here is a link to that video: https://youtu.be/hUHR_SmPLe8

Once the units were all squared up, I laid them out in the positions they would be in the quilt. This is where you would look at which blocks are being sewn together and determine if you need to press them the other direction so that seams will nest.

Sewing the units together, I slowed my Janome 6600 down and used a quarter inch foot so that I could obtain an accurate 1/4″ seam. This is crucial when sewing a mini quilt as if you are off by an 1/8th of an inch, that adds up quickly and your quilt will no longer be the correct size. I sewed one row at a time and pressed each row in the opposite direction. When sewing the rows together, I pressed the seams open to reduce bulk. Here is a picture of the back of the quilt and you can see that there are a lot of intersecting seams, which is why all of these measurements being accurate is so important.

Finally, I made a quilt sandwich by placing a piece of Hobbs 80/20 black batting between the quilt top and a piece of black backing. I pinned the layers together to prevent shifting when quilting the layers together. I used Aurifil 50 weight cotton thread in several different colors on the top. I loved how easy it was to find shades of thread color that matched the Island Batik fabric. I slowed my Janome 6600 down again and used the dual action walking foot to stitch in the ditch, which was a breeze. I love domestic machine quilting on a project this size. It’s so easy!

I machine stitched on the black binding. Here is a picture of the completed quilt and a close up of the stitching in the ditch.

Blue Bear’s Quilt is finished. I think he loves it! He is so thankful as he finally has a quilt that is his size. He can’t use the big people’s quilts. He will now have his own quilt to snuggle up with at night and he loves the fact that the quilt has blue stars that are the same color as him.

Be sure to follow along and subscribe to all our social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tic Tok) as I will be making a beautiful Southwestern themed 60 degree star quilt using the Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Star 60 ruler next month. You won’t want to miss it.

The supplies I used to make this project were provided by:
Island Batik Jewel Carvings collection for the top.
Aurifil 50 wt Thread
Hobbs black 80/20 Blend Batting
Schmetz 70/10 Quilting needle
Thank you Island Batik, Aurifil Thread, Hobbs Batting, and Schmetz Needles.

The other Island Batik Ambassadors have also been busy creating Mini quilts in their August projects. If you would like to see what the other ambassadors have been up to, check out their projects by clicking on the links next to their names to be directed to their blog posts.
Jennifer Thomas, Curlicue Creations
Denise Looney, For the Love of Geese
Pamela Boatright, Pamela Quilts
Andi Stanfield, True Blue Quilts
Megan Best, Bestquilter
Maryellen McAuliffe, Mary Mack Made Mine
Brenda Alburl, Songbird Designs
Emily Leachman, The Darling Dogwood
Leah Malasky, Quilted Delights
Suzy Webster, Websterquilt
Connie Kauffman, Kauffman Designs
Brianna Roberts, Sew Cute and Quirky
Sandra Starley, Textile Time Travels
Michelle Roberts, Creative Blonde
Jane Hauprich, Stitch by Stitch Custom Quilting
Claudia Porter, Create with Claudia
Anorina Morris, Samelia’s Mum
Preeti Harris, Sew Preeti Quilts
Elizabeth DeCroos, Epida Studio
Gail Renna, Quilt Haven Threads
Gail Sheppard, Quilting Gail
Jennifer Fulton, Inquiring Quilter
Mania Hatzioannidi, Mania for Quilts
Lisa Pickering, Lisa’s Quilting Passion
#islandbatikambassador #islandbatik #iloveislandbatik #hobbsbatting #aurifil #aurifilthread #schmetzneedles #doyoueq #EQ8 #electricquilt #Janome #bloc-loc