The bear has entered a quilt block design contest and would love to win for the exposure that it would give him as a new quilt designer. He would love it is you would help him by clicking on the link below and voting for his block. He tells me that you can vote every 24 hours until 4/22. Silly bear. Even though, he does seem to be a pretty good designer.
You need to confirm your email once, but you will not be put on their email list unless you check the box to opt into their emails. He wants me to ask you to ask your friends to help as well. Pesky bear, but it is a pretty quilt block and we would like for him to design some more.
Blue Bear and his friends thank you so much for your assistance!
Update: Blue Bear won the Fan’s Choice Award. Thank you everyone for all your help and your votes!
Blue Bear Quilt Kits & More’s first pattern has gone live on Craftsy. It is a perfect quilt for a newborn baby or a young toddler. Children will be so excited to show everyone the teddy bears dancing around the blue stars on their very own quilt. This is a beginner quilt project and if you can sew a 1/4″ seam and a blanket stitch, you can make this quilt in a weekend. Blue Bear will have the kits available for this quilt pattern in their Etsy store very soon.
Here are a couple of photos of a quilt we saw at the Florida State Fair yesterday that involved black work embroidery. It was created by Mary Kovalovsky of Brandon FL. She won a blue ribbon and deservedly so.
A great Valentine’s quilt kit and pattern coming soon to Blue Bear Quilt Kits & More. It is called A Box of Chocolate Covered Cherries. It looks delicious.
Here is the original Blue Bear, who won a blue ribbon at the Florida State Fair, and his buddy, Little Brown Bear. They are busy working on a pinwheel block.
Here is a great link if you need some basic quilting lessons, tip, tricks, etc. Blue Bear highly recommends this site if you need some help with basic quilting ideas such as machine piecing, quilting, making a binding, etc.
This is the official blog for Blue Bear Quilt Kits & More. We will be sharing interesting quilting ideas and techniques. We will also be featuring patterns and kits that Blue Bear dreams up. We hope that you will enjoy this blog as a source of quilting inspiration. Here is the logo that Blue Bear created for the business. What do you think of it?