Blue Bear Quilts patterns are designed to be easy to put together. This 56” x 56” lap-sized quilt is made from 12” x 12” finished blocks. It’s so easy! If you can sew a straight 1⁄4 inch seam, you can make this quilt. This quilt would look fantastic in your favorite aviator’s or avia- tion enthusiast’s home. Fabrics on cover quilt are from QT Fabric’s Flying High Line.
Helpful Hint: if you have the Studio 180 Wing Clipper 1 tool, it can be very helpful in making the 2-1/2” x 4-1/2” unfinished flying geese units in this quilt. This is an alternative method of making the flying geese units, which is different than the directions in this pattern. With the Wing Clipper tool, you can make 4 flying geese units at a time, so they go together much quicker and very accurately.
There are 2 YouTube videos on our channel (Blue Bear Quilts), which may be very helpful in sewing these flying geese units and are called:
1.) “How to Make and Trim Flying Geese Units with the Studio 180 Wing Clipper Tool” and 2.) “Making the Twisted Tango Table Runner with Flying Geese (4 at a Time)”

How to get your downloadable pattern: after payment in PayPal, click return to merchant, and near the order confirmation details click on the word download below the product name. (it may not look like a link but it is.) Save the pdf to your phone, tablet or computer.
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