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Week 9- Block of the Week- Nebraska Windmill Block

Nebraska Windmill Block

We have another fun block of the week. This time we discovered the Nebraska Windmill Block.

Nebraska Windmill Block
Nebraska Windmill Block

We discovered this block on the National Park Service’s board regarding a Quilt Discovery Experience. You can see this block and others here:

Here is what the National Park Service had to say about this block, which they called Nebraska Pinwheel: “Wheels represent movement. The pioneers depended on wheels to carry them across the plains.

For the homesteaders, wheels were vital to their lives. They were the basis of their transportation. Wheels were used in sawmills and in gristmills where grain was ground into flour or meal.

In the early 1900’s, windmills pumped water for livestock and made life on the homestead easier. Because of its importance to the homesteaders in their everyday lives, the wheel was often a favorite quilt pattern.

When the United States entered World War I in 1917, quilt making took on new significance. The government took all the wool produced for commercial use, and actively urged citizens to make quilts using the slogan, “Make Quilts-Save the Blankets for our Boys Over There.” As a result, many utilitarian quilts for home use were made. These quilts soon earned the nickname of, “Liberty Quilts.”


The block originated in 1977 with the Lincoln Quilters Guild. Here is what they have said about it: “In 1977, The Lincoln Quilters Guild (LQG) sponsored a contest to select a quilt block to honor the State of Nebraska. The contest was in conjunction with Quilt Symposium ’77: Fine Art, Folk Art, planned & hosted by LQG. The 85th Nebraska State Legislature passed Legislative Resolution Number One in January 1977 to designate the winning block as the Official Nebraska Block. The winning block, Nebraska Windmill, was designed by E.S. “Bud” Dunklau of Lincoln, NE. Bud & Carol Dunklau gave the original block pattern & rights to the pattern to LQG. LQG gave the original cloth block to the Nebraska State Historical Society.”

You can clearly see why the block became the official state block, as the green windmill blades, in my example, look like the shape of the state of Nebraska. Here is a slightly different coloring of the block.

Alternate Nebraska Windmill Block
Alternate Nebraska Windmill Block


You can create a striking quilt by just laying the blocks out in a horizontal layout.

Horizontal Quilt
Horizontal Quilt

The quilt takes on a different look when you add sashing and use the alternative coloring of the block.

Quilt with sashing
Quilt with sashing

Here are a few more quilt layouts for this block.

Quilt with alternate coloring
Quilt with alternate coloring
Quilt with half square triangle
Quilt with half square triangles
Quilt with four patch
Quilt with four patch



Quilt with alternate bear paw block
Quilt with alternate bear paw block



Quilt on point
Quilt on point


This block is fairly easy to cut out and sew together. You will have to see what creation you can come up using the Nebraska Windmill block. Post a picture on Instagram, or Facebook, and tag it with #BlueBearQuilts so we can see your creations.

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Busy Summer

Kaleidoscope Quilt

It has been a very busy summer, designing new quilt patterns, teaching classes, attending a Niece’s wedding, designing quilt patterns for magazine submissions and entering a contest.

We entered the Accuquilt Block Design contest again this year. They should be announcing the winners very soon. Here are a few of the blocks that I entered this year. Thank you to everyone that voted for my blocks. I appreciate it very much!

X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot
Snow Cones
Snow Cones
Sea Glass
Sea Glass
Blue Diamond
Blue Diamond
Big Star Grid.
Big Star Grid.


Before attending a wedding, we went to a family farm, in Northern Minnesota, and I was able to walk across the Mississippi River, in Itasca State Park. This is where the great river originates and it is very narrow and shallow, enabling you to walk across. I would not try that in New Orleans where it is deep and wide. I also saw amazing sunflower fields and llamas.

Reed at start of Mississippi
Reed at start of Mississippi
Crossing Mississippi
Crossing Mississippi
Sunflower Field
Sunflower Field


















My Niece got married this August in Stillwater, Minnesota. It was beautiful wedding at a flower farm and the rehearsal dinner was on a riverboat.  I also went to the Como Park Conservatory, which has amazing floral displays.

Niece and husband
Niece and husband
Stillwater Riverboat
Stillwater Riverboat
Lights at Wedding
Lights at Wedding
Wedding Bouquet
Wedding Bouquet
Hot Air Balloon
Hot Air Balloon
Como Park Conservatory
Como Park Conservatory
Very large hibiscus
Very large hibiscus







Butterfly at flower farm
Butterfly at flower farm











I taught a Quilt-in-a-Day class on Kylee’s Kite at Bear Patch Quilting Company in White Bear Lake Minnesota. Everyone had a great time. Several students brought in their completed tops from this year and last year.

Kylee’s Kite
Kylee's Kite class
Kylee’s Kite class
Student's Kylee's Kite
Student’s Kylee’s Kite
Student's Bear in My Watermelon Patch
Student’s Bear in My Watermelon Patch










I can’t reveal the quilt designs for the magazines yet, or several new patterns I developed with QT Fabrics. However, I can show you the Northwoods Holiday Medley Placemats that were designed for Accuquilt and the pattern is available as a free download on their website 

Northwoods Holiday Medley Placemats
Northwoods Holiday Medley Placemats

I can also show you our latest pattern, Kaleidoscope, that was designed with QT Fabrics. This pattern is available on our website, Craftsy, and coming to a quilt shop near you soon.

Kaleidoscope Quilt
Kaleidoscope Quilt

It is going to be a busy fall writing patterns and making a sample quilt for QT Fabrics that will be displayed at quilt market this November, utilizing a new line of fabrics for them.


Also, Blue Bear will be teaching on a cruise in 2020. We are very excited about this and hope to be able to provide you with details soon. When it is this far out, it will give you lots of time to plan and save for a quilting cruise. We are so excited to have the opportunity to quilt and cruise with you! Stay tuned.

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Secret Sewing Projects

In the Jungle Quilt

At Blue Bear Quilts, we have been very busy getting ready for the summer 2018 classes. We also have been working on some secret sewing projects for Accuquilt that we can’t wait to share with you. We also have been designing patterns with QT Fabrics. Hopefully, we will be able to share these projects with you very soon.

Triaxial Weave Pillow
Triaxial Weave Pillow


Here are some of the exciting classes that we have coming up this summer. We will be offering a Triaxial Weave Pillow at Keep Me in Stitches on May 22& 29 in Tampa and July 12 & 19 in Largo. This is a weaving project that has little sewing and offers many creative ideas to incorporate into your sewing projects like garments, bags, and quilts.



We have an exciting Electric Quilt 8/ Accuquilt Event coming up at Keep Me in Stitches on May 25 & 26 in Tampa, and June 22 &23 in Largo. In this two-day event, you will learn the basic functions of EQ8 and learn how to create the “In the Jungle” quilt in EQ8 incorporating Accuquilt die shapes. The second day, we will cut out the quilt pieces using an Accuquilt cutter and die and sew the quilt together.

In the Jungle Quilt
In the Jungle Quilt

Finally, at Keep Me in Stitches, we have an Accuquilt party called “Patriotic Windings Ways,” perfect for the 4th of July, on June 8 & 9, in Largo, and June 15 & 16 in Tampa;  a 3D Pinwheel Serger Blanket for the Baby Lock Serger Club, and the Bright Hope Quilt, in Tampa,  on June 7 & 14th, and, in Largo, on August 20 & 27th.

Patriotic Winding Ways
3D Pinwheel Serger Blanket
Bright Hope Quilt

At Happy Apple Quilts, We are offering “Hawaiian Stars” on May 31st and “Box of Chocolate Covered Cherries” on June 28th.

Hawaiian Stars Quilt
Box Chocolate Covered Cherries


Country Quilts and Bears in Clearwater will have two offerings this summer. The first is our Accuquilt block contest fan favorite, “Not Your Grandmother’s Flower Garden”  on May 23 & 30 and then “Water Wheel,” on July 14th, A Quilt in a Day Pattern.

Water Wheel

At Bear Patch Quilting Company in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, on August 8th, we will be teaching a Quilt in a Day pattern called “Kylee’s Kite,” which we have put a modern spin on it with black and white fabrics and lots of geometric quilting.

Kylee’s Kite


Finally here are some photos from classes that we held this last session: Zippered serger pouch, Wonky Heart Pillow, Hawaiian Stars, and Snapshots Quilt.

Hawaiian Stars Class
Snapshot Quilt
Snapshot Quilt
Snapshot Quilt
Snapshot Quilt
Wonky Heart Class
Barbie Snapshot Block

Serger Zipper Pouch

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Week 8- January 15, 2018- Block of the Week- Churn Dash

Block of the week is back and this week’s block is a favorite among quilters. It is the churn dash.

Churn Dash Block
Churn Dash Block











It originated in the early 1800’s. It is called churn dash as the outside rounded corners look like the outside of a butter churn

and the center square looks like the wooden dash that went into the center of the churn to make the butter by pounding the dash

up and down in the churn. It is a favorite among quilters as it is fairly easy, using only a square, rectangles and triangles.

It makes a beautiful quilt.

Churn Dash Quilt
Churn Dash Quilt

Accuquilt makes it super easy to make this block with their 9″ Churn Dash die.

Accuquilt Churn Dash
Accuquilt Churn Dash







The churn dash pattern has many, many different names and variations of construction, such as the Shoo Fly and Double Monkey Wrench.

Let’s take a look at how some quilters have put a modern spin on a churn dash quilt.

It could be a red and white quilt as was done by Amy Smart.

Red White Churn Dash Quilt
Red White Churn Dash Quilt

Or a blue and white as created by Material Girl Quilts

Blue White Churn Dash Quilt
Blue White Churn Dash Quilt




This quilt is absolutely gorgeous turned on point.

On Point Churn Dash
On Point Churn Dash by Pat Speth.

How about something big and bold like this coloring of the quilt?

Bold Churn Dash
Bold Churn Dash

You can also piece some of the shapes in the block for a modern effect, like this colorful 4-patch center and pieced rectangles in Nut by The Happy Zombie.





or add flying geese to the rectangles as was done by Blue Ridge Girl in this modern interpretation of the churn dash block.

Flying Geese Churn Dash
Flying Geese Churn Dash

Finally, you could alternate the churn dash with another block

such as the 9-patch for a very striking and modern quilt created by Mary Manson or


make the block wonky like this one made by Jennifer Dick of 42 Quilts.

Wonky Churn
Wonky Churn





I hope this has inspired you to try some new things for putting a modern spin on the old time favorite churn dash block.

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Drumroll Please! Announcing the Grand Champion Prize Winner of the Accuquilt Block Design Contest.

I entered several blocks in the 2017 Accuquilt Block Design Contest. By popular vote, these two entries were the most popular.

Here were my other entries:



But the Grand Champion was my Purple Rose. It will be unveiled on the billboard outside the Accuquilt headquarters in Interstate 80 for an entire year. I am in the process of designing a quilt and a pattern for this block, which will be available in our shop.


I also entered this contest in 2016 and here were my entries from that year.


But the one that won Fan Favorite was Not Your Grandmother’s Flower Garden a.k.a. What Happens When Grandpa Tells Grandma No More Trips to the Fabric Store.It was designed with the Accuquilt Dresden Plate Die and Kaffe Fassett fabrics.

As a result of winning Fan Favorite, I was honored with a trip to Julien California to spend a week with Eleanor Burns, from Quilt in a Day, at her Fall quilt retreat at Camp Cedar Glen in the mountains. It was a wonderful time for which I am forever grateful.

Here are some photos from that trip. 

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Greek Isles Modern Quilt

For the 2017 Blogger’s Quilt Festival, I thought I would share Blue Bear’s most popular pattern, Greek Isles Modern. 

This pattern is much easier than it looks. It is made with 2.5″ strips of white and 2.5″ strips of light, medium and dark batiks, that you may obtain from jelly rolls, or cut on your 2.5″ strip die with your Accuquilt Go! Cutter. The blocks are all constructed the same way, and placement is what determines the pattern. At 70 x 90,” it is the perfect quilt to curl up with on the couch for binge watching your favorite Netflix shows.

Here is a picture of Kim at Keep Me in Stitches in Largo, Florida, quilting this beauty; followed by a close up of her fantastic quilting.


Here are several more photos of the quilt out and about.



I have taught this class several times and here are some of my students interpretations of the quilt. Click on the links for short videos. They did a fantastic job!



If you would like to purchase this pattern, it is available on our website here,, or on Craftsy here-

Greek Isles Modern Quilt Cover

Sharing at the Blogger’s Quilt Festival hosted by Amy’s Creative Side.

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Swedish Barn Quilt Trail

When I was teaching at Bear Patch Quilt Company in White Bear Lake, MN, this August, I came across a Swedish Barn Quilt Trail when sightseeing with my sister. This trail is located on Highway 8  and goes through the cities of Chisago City, Lindstrom, Center City and Shafer. How fun it was to see all of these beautiful quilt blocks decorating buildings. A barn quilt is a quilt block pattern that is painted on a large wood square and hung on a barn, or on the front of a business. They are designed to last 6-8 years by using several coats of paint and then applying a clear coat.  The first barn quilt trails were created in 2001 in Ohio.  Scroll down to see the photo of the patriotic home that has tons of antique auto memorabilia surrounding it.

Whirling Star
Tulips in the Corner
Patriotic house in Lindstrom with lots of antique auto memorabilia.
Swedish Rubics Cube
Dr. Pete’s Patchwork Pets
Swedish Summer Night with Dala Horse in center
Star of Bethlehem
Table for Four
Cross and Darts
Tulips in Town
Swing in the Center
Star Burst
There’s no place like Dome